Whilst Ikuka has been around for many years now, Jan 2023 marked their first foray into trade marketing and representation. This posed a wonderful opportunity for us to really take Ikuka out to the trade properly both in the UK, Europe and beyond.
Channelling our expertise in branding and marketing, our first task was to develop some strong marketing tools that captured the iconic brand of Ikuka whilst also doing the job. We developed marketing literature, a trade presentation and newsletter style all of which will become useful tools for the trade to access images, rates and up to date information.
Secondly we focused on reengaging their exisiting trade partners whilst seeking out new ones. Our focus in the short term was to attend ITB Berlin on behalf of Ikuka in a bid to engage a large number of European agents. We will also be attending Experience Africa in the UK on behalf of Ikuka and look forward to meeting with the trade to share the magic of what makes Ikuka a stand out property in Ruaha.
Get in touch to arrange a meeting about Ikuka or to book on a FAM trip.