Manda Bay’s marketing journey with Green Travel Marketing


Trade Representation

  • Design and distribution of marketing collateral & newsletters via a large database of agents

  • Distribution of rates

  • Trade representation in the form of direct sales visits, phone calls, representation at trade shows and international promotional road shows

  • The arranging, planning and follow up of agent educational FAM visits to Manda Bay

  • General council / sound boarding


Manda Bay are committed to Sustainable Tourism


Ocean conservation in action on Manda

Ocean Conservation

Guests can enjoy sundowner game drives on the island to enjoy the resident wildlife

In 2021, the Ocean Trust was formed and has based itself at Manda Bay forming a great partnership with the lodge; starting a pilot project to showcase a method of using reef stars to grow and restore a reef with the aim of teaching communities along the East African coast how to replicate the method for their own benefit. 

Community & Wildlife Prosperity

Through employment, the lodge supports almost 100 households directly and many more indirectly thanks to a policy of prioritising local suppliers and service providers. From woodwork to linens, thatched roofs and doormats. Most of what you see around the lodge has been produced right there in the Lamu archipelago.

Manda is passionate about protecting the wildlife that has made its home on Manda from the bushbucks to the buffalos, the birds to the baboons Manda has introduced a conservation fee to clients that come and visit and this money generated helps go towards the constant efforts that Manda is making to protect this special island.